Hixtra Ltd 
Construction & Geotechnical Testing 

Soundness Testing 

Aggregates: Tests for thermal and weathering properties, the Magnesium sulfate test 
In this test two test specimens of aggregate in the size range 10 mm to 14 mm are subjected to five cycles of immersion in a saturated solution of magnesium sulfate, followed by oven drying. This subjects the test specimens of aggregate to the disruptive effects of the repeated crystallization and rehydration of magnesium sulfate within the pores of the aggregate. The degradation arising from the disruptive effects is measured by the extent to which material finer than 10 mm in particle size is produced. 
This test is often specified when assessing aggregates for suitability as a Type 1 subbase. 
Assess weathering properties 
This test is ideal for assessing the ability of the aggregate to withstand weathering 
Needed for Type 1 subbase 
Highway England specifies this this to assess conformity 
We can do the sampling 
As the test uses a specific size fraction we can come to your site to obtain this